Step 11: Creating The Face
Duplicate (ctrl+J) the “Top” layer, place it right at the top and rename it to “Inner”. Transform (ctrl+T), and while pressing alt+shift, and shrink it as shown below. Then add the following Layer Styles.
Create a new layer and get the selection of “Inner” layer. Using a White Brush click once at the center, bottom edge of the selection. Set the Opacity to 40%.
Step 12: Creating Depth & Detail
Duplicate the “Inner” layer and place it right at the top. Clear the Layer Style by right-clicking on the layer then “Clear Layer Style”. Apply the following Layer Styles to it.
Create a new layer and get the Gradient Tool. You can select this by first selecting the Fill Tool (G)then pressing Shift+G. Set the colours to Default (D). Select the Radial Gradient option. Get the selection of “Inner” layer and Fill it as shown, then set the Opacity to 20% and Blending Mode to Screen.
Create a new layer. Get the selection of “Inner” and nudge it down and right once each. Fill it withWhite then nudge it back to it’s original position and press Delete. Set the Opacity to 80%.
Create a new layer and while using the same selection, nudge it down by 4px. Fill it with White andnudgeit down another 1px then press Delete. Set the Opacity to 30%.
Now create a new layer and and grab the Pen Tool and draw the following shape. Notice the point of contact between the shining areas. Also apply the following Layer Styles with 15% Opacity and 50% Fill.
Step 13: Adding Alphabets