Step 3
Create some text using an extra bold font in grey color #999999, similar to the ones that are usually used in this kind of motor badges. I have chosen TS Block. Reduce the size of the X as shown and increase the baseline shift in order to join some edges of these 3 letters and give more realism to the fake industrial design. So type “4” with TS Block font and apply some character parameters (see image). Type “x” and edit it (see image) and then Copy-Paste the first “4” (press Command/Ctrl + C + Command/Ctrl + V) to get “4×4” text.
创建文字图层,作者采用的字体为「TS Block」,色值为#999999。具体参数见图,其中字母X的基线位置向上偏移了10像素。
Step 4
Add a layer style with a 3 pixels Outside Stroke and color #666666.
Step 5
We will separate the stroke style in a new independent layer. To do so we click the mouse’s right button on the “fx” icon of the layer and then choose the option “Create Layer”.
Step 6
Now we have a new layer -with the name of the style we use- and we will add new layer styles to this layer to simulate the badge’s bevel. But first let’s define the style of the front text.
Step 7
With some values inside the layer styles window we will create the front of the badge. The layer that will work as a pseudo 3D bevel can be seen behind.