

文章来源于 Iconfans,感谢作者 min 给我们带来经精彩的文章!
Step 8 Now we will work on the bevel of this badge with the values for Bevel and Emboss and Outer Glow you can see in this picture. The idea is to add the chrome effect to the bevel of the object. Yo

Step 8

Now we will work on the bevel of this badge with the values for Bevel and Emboss and Outer Glow you can see in this picture. The idea is to add the chrome effect to the bevel of the object. You can choose the angle and color tones that better help you create this effect.



Step 9

Now we will create the black plastic base that these badges have in the back, which is the area that is stick to the car. Duplicate the text layer and Clear its layer styles. We will use a very hard Drop Shadow little bigger than the text and lightly moved towards down, using color #202020. Repeat Step 05 to separate this style in a new layer.



Step 10

This must create a 3D effect that we will add more layer styles to give some embossed effect to this new element. We will give a Bevel and Emboss effect to this layer as well for it to have a tridimensional look. Then add a Drop Shadow that simulates the shadow of the badge projected on the vehicle.



Step 11

Always using the same editable 4×4 text, we will now create a mask using a selection with a 3 pixels feather.



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