13. How to Add Global Adjustments
Step 1
Once you're done adding the sprinkles, put the Text and Sprinkles groups in another new group and name it Cookies.
Step 2
Add a Levels adjustments layer and clip it to the Cookies group.
Then, change the Highlights value to 6, the Gamma to 0.90, and the Shadows to 248.
Step 3
Add a Vibrance adjustments layer and clip it to the Cookies group, and change the Vibrance value to 20.
Step 4
Add a Brightness/Contrast adjustments layer and clip it to the Cookies group, and change the Contrastvalue to 15.
Step 5
Place the Cement texture image on top of the Gradient fill layer, resize it to fit within the document, and rename its layer to Texture Overlay.
Change the Texture Overlay layer's Blend Mode to Linear Burn and its Opacity to 50%.
Congratulations! You're Done!
In this tutorial, we created a gradient background and text layers.
Then, we created a simple brush tip, used it to stroke the text, and styled the text and stroke layers to create the main cookie shape.
After that, we created and styled glaze layers, and created a sprinkles brush tip that we added on top of the glazed cookies and styled with different colors.
Finally, we used a couple of adjustment layers to add global adjustments to the effect.
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