

文章来源于,感谢作者 MARIA SEMELEVICH 给我们带来经精彩的文章!
Step 120 Add to a group adjustment layer Hue/Saturation Set the settings as shown in the figure. Step 121 Take Brush Tool (B). Set these settings: Size: 75px, Hardness: 0% Opacity: 50% 100%, Flow: 10

Step 120

Add to a group adjustment layer Hue/Saturation… Set the settings as shown in the figure.



Step 121

Take Brush Tool (B). Set these settings: Size: 75px, Hardness: 0% Opacity: 50% – 100%, Flow: 100%. In addition, remove the layer mask bit color.

Change the opacity of the brush to achieve a smooth transition between colors.


Step 122

Combine all the butterflies with adjustment layers in one group


Step 123

Create a new layer above the group with butterflies. Hold down Alt and click on the group. If a new layer near an arrow, then all that will done on this layer apply only to group.


Step 124

Take Brush Tool (B). Set these settings: Size: 75px, Hardness: 0% Opacity: 50% – 100%, Flow: 100%. Set Black color and darken the edges of butterflies.


Step 125

Now add fire and flying sparks. Create a new group, name it «Fire», and create a new layer.


Step 126

Take Brush Tool (B). Set these settings: Size: 75px, Hardness: 0% Opacity: 60%, Flow: 100%. Choose a color # aa140d.


Step 127

Use this brush here. Carefully walk around it on the edges of the wings of left butterflies. Give effect fire, bringing the flames a bit.


Step 128

Do, a new layer is the same with the right butterflies.


Step 129

Now let us work on the fire. Apply to each layer of motion blur effect, for this go to Filter> Blur > Motion blur. In the window that appears, set the following settings for the left layer



For the right layer:


Create another new layer and repeat the application of fire, but now do not blur it.

Step 130

Now add shine and light the fire on the wings of butterflies. Create a new layer. Take the brush with these settings. Choose a color № ffb400 Remember this layer is above the rest. Now carefully draw the fire and the wings of butterflies. Do not paint over them completely. Green shows where I was putting color!


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