3. How to Create a Tinsel Brush Tip
Step 1
Pick the Rectangle Tool, choose the Shape option in the Options bar, and create a small 3 x 30 px Blackrectangle.
Step 2
Pick the Add Anchor Point Tool, and click once in the middle of each of the rectangle's vertical sides to add two anchor points.
Step 3
Use the Direct Selection Tool to select both added points, and click the Left Arrow key three times to nudge the points 3 px to the left.
Step 4
Command-click the Rectangle shape layer's thumbnail to load the selection.
Step 5
Go to Edit > Define Brush Preset, and type Tinsel Brush in the Name field.
4. How to Modify and Save Brush Tip Settings
Step 1
Pick the Brush Tool, choose the Tinsel Brush tip, and open the Brush panel to modify the settings:
Brush Tip Shape
Shape Dynamics
Color Dynamics
Step 2
Click the Create new brush icon in the bottom right corner of the Brush panel, and change the Name to Brush 01.