6. How to Add Glow and Shadow Effects
Double-click the Stroke - Brush 01 layer to apply the following layer style:
Step 1
Add an Inner Glow with these settings:
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 50%
Color: #a7a7a7
Size: 10
Step 2
Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:
Opacity: 36%
Distance: 10
Size: 5
This will style the first layer.
Step 3
Double-click the Center - Brush 01 layer to apply an Inner Glow effect with these settings:
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 74%
Color: #a7a7a7
Size: 10
This will help build the glow effect to add more dimension to the tinsel.
You can hide the top layers to see the effects you apply, and then show them again.
Double-click the Center - Brush 02 layer to apply the following layer style:
Step 4
Add an Inner Glow with these settings:
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 74%
Color: #a7a7a7
Size: 10