

文章来源于 ICONFANS,感谢作者 LDL 给我们带来经精彩的文章!
Step 14 Use the Dodge and Burn Tools toadd some subtle variation to the streak. When youre done, merge this layerwith the Paint layer. Rename the layer to Paint. (用减淡和加深工具,在条纹上增加一些细

Step 14

Use the Dodge and Burn Tools toadd some subtle variation to the streak. When you’re done, merge this layerwith the “Paint” layer. Rename the layer to “Paint.”



Step 15

Now, we are going to give thepaint that wet look. To start, create a New Layer called “Highlights 1″ andmake this a clipping layer (use Alt + Click on the Layers Panel).

现在,我们要给油漆湿感,新建一个名为“Highlights 1” 图层,制作一个剪切层(在图层板上使用Alt+单击 )


Step 16

Now, draw in some white highlights as shown. Set this layer’sopacity to 11%



Step 17

Open the layer’s Layer Styles and adjust the “Blend If: UnderlyingLayer” sliders as shown

(打开这个图层的图层样式,调节“混合颜色带”滑标如图所示. )


Step 18

Next, we are going to do thesame with a darker color. Create a new clipping layer called “Lowlights” anduse a darker red to paint in some lowlights.



Step 19

Set the “Lowlights” layer’sopacity to 72% and open the Layer Styles to adjust the Blend If sliders asshown.



Step 20

We can keep using thistechnique of adding highlights and adjusting its Blend If sliders to completethe ‘wet’ look of paint (I used this technique to add 3 more highlights).(我们可以用同样的手法添加“highlights”,调节它的“混合颜色带“滑标来完成油漆的湿感(我用这个方法添加了3个以上的“highlights”.)


Step 21

Now that the bristles and paintare done, we can create the rest of the brush. Hide all layers associated withthe paint and bristles. Next, create a New Group called “Handle”. Inside thatgroup, create 2 new groups called “Metal” and “Grip”.

(现在刷毛和油漆已经完成,我们可以创建毛刷的其他部分。隐藏所有有关刷子和刷毛的图层。接下来,新建一个组名为“Handle”。在这个组里,新建2个组,分别命名为“Metal”and “ Grip”.)


Step 22

In the “Metal” group, create aNew Layer called “Metal Band.” Using the sketch as a guide, create the shape ofthe metal band that holds the bristles in place. I found it easier to createthe brush’s handle upright. It may help to go back to the sketch and create acopy to rotate it so that the brush is standing up.

(在“Metal”组里,新建一个图层名为“Metal Band”。以草图为参考,创建能包住刷毛的金属带。我觉得创建一个垂直的刷柄很容易。它可以幫助回到草圖,並創建一個副本,旋轉,這樣的刷子就能竖起来。)


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